Quartzelec completes a HV transformer replacement for British Geological Survey

26 November 2015

When a 1MW 11KV/433V transformer developed a leak at the British Geological Survey’s Keyworth (Nottingham) headquarters late one Friday at the height of the summer that necessitated the immediate installation of temporary power, Norland Managed Services called upon Quartzelec, a leading international electrical engineering group, for urgent assistance.

The following morning saw Arwel Davies from Quartzelec’s Wrexham office arrive on-site as Project Manager and Senior Authorised Person; and along with his team isolated the transformer and supervised the installation of the emergency generators.  He stated: “The Wrexham team are no strangers when it comes to going the extra mile and responding rapidly and effectively to urgent customer requests. This is another perfect example of ‘customer-centricity in electricity’.”

Having dealt with the immediate problem the Wrexham office was then asked to put together a proposal to source and install either a new or refurbished transformer. In keeping with its customer focus, a proposal was delivered within 36 hours. The customer chose the new unit route and placed the order and on Friday that same week, the Quartzelec team was again on site, this time supervising civil contractors excavating a cable jointing bay. The following day the faulty transformer was removed and the replacement, having been delivered, was installed. The LV tails were replaced and HV cable jointed. By midday on Sunday, the new transformer had been commissioned, the temporary generators disconnected and the new unit connected and energised.  Job done and another satisfied customer.

“Providing good customer service is an important differentiator in modern business,” added Terry Milligan, a Technical Manager at Norland Managed Services. “We have excellent relationships with our customers and knew that Quartzelec could and would certainly deliver on this project; and we’ve not been disappointed. Their professional approach was clearly evident from the outset and was a key factor in taking this project through to completion in such an expedient way to the total satisfaction of the British Geological Survey.”

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